Monday, August 27, 2007

Want To Contribute, Read Ahead

Thank you for considering contributing for

If you have some great work which you would like to feature to FPB, then you can send it across to us. FPB works on the basis of a few simple rules which are as follows:

1) Anyone can send in submissions to the sections of FPB. By anyone we mean the Students, Faculty, Management, Staff, Parents, Industry Experts and even Outsiders. In case you wish to plan out a story along with our help, do get in touch with us for that.

2) Contributions to FPB should be informative, reflective or interesting, in some manner. The basic rules of decency and correct language would apply as well.

3) Contributions can be made to most of the sections of FPB provided they are in line the format of that particular section and also the style that is being used. However, if there is anything which does not fall in any of the sections mentioned below and you feel that it deserves to be published, don’t hesitate in sending it across to us and we will try to see how we can fit it in.

4) Submissions will never be posted automatically. Usually all submissions would be published within three days, however, it may get delayed at times. Don’t resend the same submissions several times, as it would result in more work and delay for us. The criteria for publishing is simple; however, the final decision for publishing any of the submissions will lie with the Ed’s of this Blog.

5) Please send your complete name and contact details. Students should also send in the name of their college along with the above.

6) All submissions should be sent to In case of submitting images, designs, scanned copies of art work, etc. and if the file size is large, please contact us for alternate means of uploading the same.

The sections which for which we are currently accepting submissions are as follows:

The Flame That’s Burning Us: This will carry the experiences that people have had in their journey along with Flame.

I Have An Idea: If you do, then send it across. Who knows that your ideas could be seen by the relevant people and you might just get recognized for it.

Campus Buzz: This will carry reports on events and activities being planned and organized at Flame.

Need Help: This section will post those topics where students or even outsiders need some kind of assistance or advice from the community which visits FPB.

Assist Your Friends: This section will contain contributions that can assist the present as well as the prospective students of Flame. It can be anything under the sun, e.g. a list of banks and the process of application for Education Loans, an article which can help in assignments and projects, etc.

Opinions: This will try to mobilize public opinion on issues of importance.

Images: This will carry those images and their descriptions, which will serve as a fond memory forever.

Just About Anything: For all that you felt motivated to write, draw, sketch, design, and wanted an audience, but sadly realized that its not completely relevant to any of the above sections; don’t worry, just send in entries for this section. If you are from Flame, you have the privilege to write here.

So happy writing and happy posting to all.